Monday, October 19, 2009

APO Training at Viantiane, LAO PDR

Participants with Official after Opening Ceremony.
I was completed on attending a Training Planning and Management on Agroprocessing Enterprise at Lane-Xang Hotel Fa Nguam Road, Vientiane , Lao PDR (Room 329) from 18 Oct 2009 to 25 Oct 2009. The training was organised by APO Japan joint with SMEPDO Lao PDR with 22 participants from 13 country namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Lao, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Philipines, Pakistan, Iran, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. Two resource personel from Philipines (Prof. Reuneul K. Virtucio) and from Sri Lanka (Dr.DBT Wijeratne) with APO Official (Mr Endo) conducted such a good paper in planning and management of Agroprocessing activities. The training started with Local Agroprocessing activities an opportunities in Lao PDR by Ministry of Industry and Commerce which explained the strategy, challanges and Agroprocessing in Lao.

Visit on Salt Factory in Lao PDR to study the new prospestive.

Training methodology consists of Lecture Activity, Paper Presestation and Field visit to a agrobusiness company in Laos aat Friday 23th October 2009. Below are the lecture presented during course period:

Paper 1: Management of Agro processing Enterprise
Papeer 2: Product development and processes
Paper 3: Agribusiness Supply Chain Managenent
Paper 4:Product Quality and Safety Management
Paper 5: Finance-based De4scision making for Agrobased Enterprise
Paper 6: Effective new bproduct development & marketing
Paper 7: Presestation of case study

A visit to Salt Factory from underground water at Veunkham about 25 km from Viantiane Capital was organised to check how the salt business operated. The factory produce 95% of Viantiane Capital salt supply and exported to Taiwan, japan and Korea as medicated salt. The salt processed in two method that is by Direct Sunlight and Cooked to crytalised by heat. The salt contain high medicinal value and suitable for control high blood or diabetic problems. This factory has to improve the sanitation, security and safety of product for export market. a country paper n status of Agropprocessing Activity was presented from each country.

Discusson on project Financial analysis lead by Malasian Participants.

Have a succesful training!

Reported by:
Mohd Anim
Lane-Xang Hotel
Viantiane, Lao PDR
1630 (24 Oct 2009)

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