Monday, May 21, 2012


PAMERAN HORTI ASIA 2012 yang di adakan di BITEC, Bangkok telah saya kunjungi pada 10 Mei 2012 bersama kumpulan Agro-Challange International. Salah satu booth yang mempamerkan teknologi berasaskan Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) adalah Thai Pure Coconut Co Ltd. Operasi syarikat ini adalah di 36/3, Moo2, T Rongkea, A. Bhanpheo, Samutsakhon, 7420 , Bangkok, Thailand. Syarikat ini mempamerkan pelbagai bentuk produk berasaskan kelapa terutamanya Minyak Kelapa Dara yang menggunakan teknologi terkini dan produk VCO premium. Petugas dari syarikat ini telah membuat penerangan dan mempromosikan produk mereka dengan jelas dan memberikan beberapa risalah untuk dijadikan rujukkan. Artikel pagi Ahad ini saya menulis teknologi yang dijalankan oleh syarikat ini dan produk-produk yang boleh di teliti dan digunakan berasaskan kelapa (Kali ini dalam bahasa Inggeris sebab tak sempat hendak translate).

Thaipure is the Thai Company achieving the 1st NIA national award for producing Virgin Coconut Oil from fresh coconut milk using state-of-the-art centrifugation technology. Distinct from those other conventional technique, our proprietary innovative processes take only 5 minutes with chemical-free and no heat or fermentation is involved resulting in clear, precipitation-free, mild good-odor premium quality of coconut oil.

Coconut Oil is far superior than other oils
Thaipure 100% Coconut oil has been manufactured from proper harvesting of coconut grown on Thai pollutant-free area ensuing a significant difference in the efficacy and quality of the oil extraction processes. Currently, coconut oil has been proved for its outstanding roles as an important functional diet. The health related benefits that can be gained from consuming this oil have been recognized. Coconut oil comprised of a large amount of lauric acid, a Medium Chain Fatty Acid (MCFA), which is converted to monolaurin, a fatty acid derivative found only in mother’s breast milk, once enter the body. The physiologically properties of monoluarin have been known for anti-fungus, anti-virus, anti-bacteria, increasing good HDL-cholesterol, boost immunity, moisturizing skin, cancer-protection and improvement, and anti-oxidant effects. In addition, coconut oil may be a better alternative to hydrogenated vegetable oils which creates trans-fats once cooked with heat, but not coconut oil. At present, coconut oil has various applications in food, medicine, and industry.

Coconut Oil is far superior than other oils
 Thaipure 100% Coconut oil has been manufactured from proper harvesting of coconut grown on Thai pollutant-free area ensuing a significant difference in the efficacy and quality of the oil extraction processes. Currently, coconut oil has been proved for its outstanding roles as an important functional diet. The health related benefits that can be gained from consuming this oil have been recognized. Coconut oil comprised of a large amount of lauric acid, a Medium Chain Fatty Acid (MCFA), which is converted to monolaurin, a fatty acid derivative found only in mother’s breast milk, once enter the body. The physiologically properties of monoluarin have been known for anti-fungus, anti-virus, anti-bacteria, increasing good HDL-cholesterol, boost immunity, moisturizing skin, cancer-protection and improvement, and anti-oxidant effects. In addition, coconut oil may be a better alternative to hydrogenated vegetable oils which creates trans-fats once cooked with heat, but not coconut oil. At present, coconut oil has various applications in food, medicine, and industry. (NIA: National Innovation Agency )

Coconut Oil: Health Benefits
 Some scientists has been called coconut oil as the healthiest dietary oil on earth. Coconut oil shows a variety of health benefits including aesthetics (hair and skin care), dental care, improving bone health. weight control, detoxification, stress relief, maintaining blood cholesterol levels,, enhance immunity, relief of digestive problems and metabolism, improving kidney function, protecting heart diseases, reducing hypertension, help in diabetic condition, improving health status in HIV and cancer patients. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of MCFA lauric acid, and its pharmacological properties including anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, increase metabolism of blood glucose, anti-oxidant, etc.

Antimicrobes and Immune Support: 
The antimicrobes properties of coconut oil are largely due to Lauric (C12), Caprylic (C8), and Capric (C10). These fatty acids and their monoglycerides are extremely powerful antimicrobial agents, effective against a broad spectrum of pathologic bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts and protozoa. The metabolite monolaurin attacks the lipid membrane of the microbes directly by fluidizing the lipids and phospholipids in the envelope of the microbes, causing the disintegration of the microbial membrane or on the envelope of the virus. This mechanism prevents attachment of virus to susceptible host cell membrane thereby inhibiting viral replication and infection. Some studies indicate that anti-bacterial effect is owing to monolaurin's interference with signal transduction/toxin formation (Projan et al, 1994). Some of the viruses inactivated by these lipids are the measles virus, herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and -2), herpes family members (HIV, hepatitis C), vesicular, stomatitis virus (VSV), Influenza virus, and cytomegalovirus (CMV), etc.

Improve and Preventing Heart Diseases: 
Formerly, there is a misunderstanding generated by certain politically biased agricultural groups and repeatedly stated and published by some scientists that coconut oil is not good for the heart since it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. However, epidemiologic evidence reveals that coconut oil is safe and is beneficial for the heart. Coconut contains approx.50% of lauric , which helps to prevent various cardiovascular problems including hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. It also reduces the incidence of inflammation in arteries therefore improving and preventing atherosclerosis.

Hair and Skin Care
Coconut oil is excellent natural nourishment for hair and skin. Regular massage of the head with coconut oil ensures that scalp is free of dandruff. It is also helps in the re-growth of damaged hair since it provides essential amino acids required for nutritious the damaged hair. For skin, it uses as an effective moisturizer. It also slows down wrinkles, and aging of skin which normally become prominent when older. Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and other skin infections.

Weight Loss
Coconut oil is very practical in weight control. It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that facilitate in reducing weight. It enhance function of the thyroid and enzymes systems. Moreover, it boosts the body metabolism by decrease stress on pancreases through anti-oxidative property, thus increase utilization of energy and helpoverweight person to reduce their weight. Consequently, person living in tropical coastal areas consuming coconut oil routinely as their major cooking oil are usually not obese or overweight.

How to Use Coconut Oil
One can use coconut oil for all frying and other cooking. It is heat stable and has a shelf life of over one year at room temperature. One may also use it as a direct substitute for butter, ghee, margarine and other culinary oils. When warmed (it solidifies at 70 °F and needs to be liquefied, ) and mixed with a vinegar and herbs, it makes an excellent salad dressing.

Normal adult may take approx. 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. The study of Monolaurin and coconut oil as a therapy for HIV used dosages of 7.5 to 22 grams of monolaurin per day (approx. 3 tablespoons). The coconut oil exhibited a beneficial effect in dropping viral loads and increasing white cell counts.

Safety Precautions and Side Effects
Coconut oil can be consumed freely without any reported adverse effects. The only precaution is to consider individual total calories requirement and consumption.

Beneficials of Coconut oil in a nutshell
Prevent and improve of these following health problems
Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Gastric Ulcer
Oral cavity problem (bad breath, infection)
Cardiovascular problems, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia
HSV, HIV, H1N1, Hepatitis infection
Gall Bladder problem
Digestive problem
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Cancer (colon, gastrointestinal, etc)

External personal uses
Coconut oil can be used as a skin moisturizer, specially with dry skin, and reduces hair loss.

Coconut oil on the large scale manufacturing
Coconut oil is an important base ingredient for the manufacture of various consumer products

Face and body cream, Lipstick, Lubricants;

Body Wash
Soap, Shower Gel, Hair Shampoo and Conditioner;

 Diskwashing, Car Wash, Metal Polish 

Artikel diatas merupakan seduatan daripada brochure yang diedarkan oleh syarikat semasa lawatan di booth Thai Pure Coconur Co Ltd yang saya kunjungi. Banyak maklumat tersebut boleh dibaca bagi menambahkan informasi dalam teknologi pembangunan kelapa untuk kita pelajari.  Semuga artikel ini memberikan pengetahuan tambahan kepada anda semua.


M Anem
Jalan Istana, Bukit Beruang,
Air Keroh, Melaka,
(30 JamadilAkhir 1433H)

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