Monday, April 23, 2012


MOSANTO adalah satu nama besar dalam sektor pertanian semenjak berzaman. Mosanto adalah sebuah syarikat multinasional berasaskan kepada Bioteknologi Pertanian dan namanya sinonim dengan racun rumpai yang paling popular iaitu jenama 'ROUND-UP'. Syarikat yang dipunyai oleh pemain utamanya iaitu HUGH GRANT ini beribupejabat di Creve Coeur, Missouri ini menghasilkan Racun Rumpai, Racun Serangga dan juga Biji Benih. Terdapat seramai lebih dari 21,400 orang pekerja yang bekerja dengan syarikat ini dimana jumlah perniagaan sebanyak USD 10.52 billion (Lebih dari RM 38.0 billion) pada tahun 2010. Mengupas sejarah, syarikat ini yang diasaskan oleh En John Francis Queeny pada tahun 1901 di Saint Louis, Missouri dengan perniagaan berasaskan kepada farmaseutikal dan minuman. Artikel malam ini saya menulis mengenai satu syarikat gergasi dalam sektor pertanian yang menyumbang kepada sektor pertanian dan pembekalan makanan dunia. Berikut keterangan dikutip dari lamanweb mengenai syarikat tersebut.

Weed Control
Monsanto’s weed control products are used on farms, public spaces and gardens. These products are proven to be an effective way to manage weeds. Monsanto's weed control products are divided into two categories: Agricultural Herbicides and Industrial, Turf and Ornamental Herbicides.

Agricultural Herbicides
Rundup agricultural herbicides and other products are used to sustainably an effectively control weeds on the farm. Their use on Roundup Ready crops has allowed farmers to conserve fuel, reduce tillage and decrease the overall use of herbicides.

View a complete list of Monsanto's Agricultural herbicides.
Industrial, Turf and Ornamental Herbicides

Monsanto’s Industrial, Turf and Ornamental business is dedicated to providing weed control options for industrial and large non-farm areas. Parks, golf courses, zoos, roadsides and other large green spaces use our products to effectively manage weeds.

Monsanto Seed Brands
Monsanto offers farmers a wide range of corn, soybean, cotton, wheat, canola, sorghum and sugar cane seeds. We use our elite seed genetics and cutting-edge traits and technologies to create products that meet farmers’ wants and needs. These products are offered through various brands – each of which provides farmers around the world with the solutions that best fit their farms.

Whether it’s combating insects, controlling weeds, or simply increasing productivity, farmers can rest assured they are getting the most out of every acre with Monsanto seed brands. And getting the most out of every acre means farmers are feeding more of our growing population.

Monsanto Vegetable Seeds
Monsanto’s Vegetable Seeds Division provides improved quality and productivity of vegetables through breeding. With the development of products that offer consumers healthy choices with added flavor and additional nutritional benefits, Monsanto continues to invest in researching and developing new vegetable seeds.

Produce industry dynamics make this a great time to be in the vegetable seed business. Monsanto understands needs at each step in the production-to-consumption chain and is in a great position to be a valued supplier, partner and leader in the vegetable seed and produce industries.

Monsanto offers the world’s vegetable growers more than 4,000 distinct seed varieties representing more than 20 species. Monsanto’s vegetable seed business serves open-field and protected culture customers through its brands: Seminis, De Ruiter Seeds and regional brands.
Our mission is to deliver products that provide yield and value to our customers, and more tasty and healthy vegetables to the consumer.

(Adapted from:

Syarikat ini telah menyumbangkan banyak jasa dalam pembangunan pertanian didunia. Kepakaran dan produknya masih terus digunakan sehingga kini dalam industri pertanian terutama meningkatkan penghasilan tanaman. 

M Anem
Air Hitam, Kluang,
Johor, Malaysia.
(1 Jamadil Akhir 2012)

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