Tuesday, August 9, 2011


NENAS MD2 (Ananas cosmosus) merupakan sejenis nenas yang popular dalam pasaran nenas dunia dalam bentuk pasaran segar. Nenas MD2 telah didaftarkan dengan Jabatan Pertanian dengan kod pendaftaran sebagai AC 8 (Nenas MD2). mendapat permintaan tinggi disebabkan ciri-ciri warna, rasa, bentuk, tahap kematangan , tahan lama yang menepati kehendak pasaran nenas segar antarabangsa dan merupakan NENAS PALING SUPERIOR diantara banyak varieti nenasNenas MD2 ini juga digelar dengan nama 'DINAR PINEAPPLE' yang popular dipasaran negara-negara Arab dimana di kenali sebagai' 'MISS DOLE' di beberapa negara lain. Tahap kemanisan yang sangat tinggi dan warna kulit keemasan merupakan faktur utama yang mana nenas MD2 iaitu didakwa sebagai nenas hibrid menjadi tanaman buah nenas yang berpotensi tinggi di tanam secara lebih luas di Malaysia. Artikel subuh 10 Ramadan ini saya mengutarakan tanaman nenas varieti MD2 berdasarkan maklumat dan pmbacaan saya dalam sektor pertanian.

Berikut adalah pencirian mengenai nenas varieti MD2 yang saya baca dalam lamanweb untuk pengetahuan anda:

Varieti: Golden Sweet (MD2)
Kelas (Class): EXTRA
Kadar Kandungan Gula (Sugar level) : 
Lebih dari  16 -17° Brix
Keasidan (Acidity):  < 1% 
Garispusat (Diameter) : Min. 5 cm Max. 10 cm 
Berat (Weight) : > 1.5kg
Muatan dalam Kotak (Boxes): 5, 6, 7, weight 12.00 kg 1500 boxes, on 20 pallets of 75 boxes each
Potensi Hasil MD2 : 35 -45 mt/ha/musim

Description: JTP is a company in Malaysia (based in Johor) located at Air Tiram, Johor offers the Golden Sweet pineapple (also known as MD2) fresh fruit and suckers planting material, a variety much sought after in international markets for it's extra sweet tropical flavour, high vitamin C content and golden coloured outside. Pineapples originate from Malaysia and Philipines. Pineapple plants need from 18 to 22 months to start to produce one fruit with a weight of 4 to 5 pounds. After a year the plant will produce another fruit smaller than the first.

Uses: Pineapple is eaten fresh, in juices, gelatines, jams, sorbets, and baby foods. To prepare the fruit you must first remove the crown of leaves, and then cut it down the middle and each half is cut into to parts. The ends of the fruit are cut off and the woody middle of the pineapple is removed with a sharp knife. Then the pineapple is cut into little pieces.

Storage: Pineapple is harvested when it is ripe. Once harvested, its level of ripeness (level of sugar and acidity) does not change. However, the color of the outside can change. When buying pineapple the fruit should be firm and the leaves long, green and fresh looking. A yellow colour indicates that the fruit has reached an advanced level of ripeness and has a greater sugar content. The fruit should not look shrivelled with brown leaves, nor should it have bruises. Contrary to belief, leaves that come off easily do not indicate an advanced level of ripeness. It may mean that the leaves are old, but they indicate nothing as to the ripeness of the fruit.

Nutritional characteristics: 
I ask from research institution in Malaysia recently about MD2 nutrition value  They said that pineapple is low in saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium. It is an important source of fibre, thiamine, vitamin B6, copper, as well as vitamin C and magnesium. It also has diuretic and detoxification properties. Fresh pineapple like MD2 easily accepted to the international market due to sugar content, appearance, color, long lifespan, ripeness and brand. 

Growing season:  In Malaysia the MD2 pineapple able to produce all year round. Based on our Malaysian Pineapple Board Authority about 4-10 mt of fresh pineapple been exported weekly to targeted country such as Arab Region, Hong Kong and China.

Jarak penanaman disyorkan adalag 3'x2'x1 kaki untuk memberikan kepadatan pokok 43,500 pokok sehektar. Penyakit Buah Hantu (Ervinia chysanthemi) merupakan masaalah varieti ini sehingga boleh merugikan petani akibat cuaca lembab, mendung dan kurang sanitasi. Kulat ini akan mudah merebak dengan cepat mengikut keadaan cuaca dan sistem tanaman. Berdasarkan maklumat diatas saya sangat pasti ramai petani, syarikat swasta dan usahawan nenas akan menukar varieti tanaman nenas moris dan nenas gandul (N36) kepada nenas MD2 pada masa akan datang. Isu kekurangan benih tanaman berkualiti merupakan salah satu kekangan dalam pengluasan tanaman nenas jenis ini disamping harga benih yang sangat mahal masa kini. Beberapa syarikat pengeluar benih nenas MD2 telah berusaha keras mengeluarkan benih sulur dan terdapat syarikat yang menjual benih nenas MD2 Tisu Didik (Tissue culture).


Related articles:
1. Nenas (Klik disini)
2. Nenas Organik (Klik disini)
3. Pasaran Nenas Dunia (Klik disini)
4. Nenas Moris di Kedah (Klik disini)
5. Kenapa Rambutan (Klik disini)

M Anem
(Subuh 4.50 pagi ; 10 Ramadan)

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