Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Planning in Agriculture Extension

Farm visit for Extension agent need proper planning annually so that the farmers delivered technology accordingly.

Agriculture Extension Program for farmers needs proper planning to ensure the implementation reached their aims. There is Annual Extension Program, Monthly Extension Program, Weekly Extension Program and Daily Extension Program. Each Extension agent has to prepare as the planning are suitable to deliver proper technology and information to the target group (Farmers and related clientele). Different target groups need different types of inputs such as vegetable growers, Paddy farmers, Orchard Farmers, Aquaculture Farmers, Livestock Farmers, Fisherman, Agro Processing Entrepreneurs and Part-time Farmers. There are also professional farmers which has enough capital and information technology in the Extension Area with special approach.

Preparing Annual Extension Program by Group is more organised.

Daily Extension Planning was started at the Lowest Area based on activity in the Extension Area. For paddy area the planning follows Paddy Planting Calendar in the particular days. If that day the activity in the paddy field was land preparation the Extension Program must be related to land preparation program such as Type of Land Preparation (Wet or Dry), Type of Machinery, Land Levelling, Pre-Emergence Chemical Spraying, Ban, Drainage and Irrigation System. This daily Extension program required Agriculture Assistance (AT) to visit and check the farmers follows the Good Agriculture Practices procedure.

Exposure of Extension Agent to familiarize and exposure activity.

Monthly Extension program planned by AT and AAO in the area based on all activity by AT in various kampong and locality. The plan consists of Date /Time of Visit, Day of Visit, Location of Visit, Issue in Extension, Numbers of farmers to be visited and impact point. Style of transfer of technology may be in the form of Farm Visits, Formal and Informal Training, Demonstration Plot Visit, Farmers Day Activity, Study Tour, Meeting of Group farming and many other methodology. The two important column in Extension Progress Report consists of Activity Conducted as Planned include Planning Date compare with Actual Implementation Activity.

Annual Extension Program is a compilation of total summary of Extension Activity in the State, District, Extension Area covered. It was an annual planning of the Agriculture Extension Activity for all commodities and the management has to monitor the implementation process. To check the activity the management has to conduct Agriculture Extension Meeting so that the implementation are monitored and solve certain issue in extension program. Extension planning are important to ensure the transfer of technology reach the clientele.


M Anem

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