Friday, September 18, 2009


Visiting Agent with District Officer giving technology advice to farmers in fertigation project.

Department of Agriculture State of Johore is the one and the only Department of Agricukture in Malaysia certified with Malaysian Standard (International Standard Organization) in Extension Service ("Khidmat Pengembangan Perladangan Komersial") to-date. The certification was started in 1998 with MS ISO version 1996 and now with version 2001 whereby next year with version 2008. It involves 4 Main Procedure and 12 Supportive Procedure with one Modified Manual Quality. I experienced in MSO KPPK from the begining until now for more tha 14 years. Auditing and validation process for our MS ISO by SIRIM QAS (a company under SIRIM International).

Main ISO content is the extension system following standard procedure that 5 steps for implementation include Preparing Business Plan, Preparing Annual Extension Programme, Extension Implementation system and Extension Monitoring System. Among sub-activities in the extension to be implemented was Farmers Training, Farm Visit, Demonstration Plot, Farmers Visit, Farm subsidy and input assistence.

The system audited by Internal Auditor every periodical time and than audited by External Auditor every year normally by QAS Auditor (SIRIM). The main Quality Procedure were changed accordingly (minor improvement procedure) that appproved under MKSP Meeting. We the officer in the department proud of what we have done for the past 10 tears doing MS ISO in extension service.

The certification ceremony launcged by Stae Caunsellor and SIRIM at Puter Pan Pacific Hotel. All 8 districts and Headquarters implement KPPK for extension services. Gap Analysis for farmers income is one factors suditors like to examine. The 2 monthly meeting and MKSP Meeting organised monthly meetings.


Mohd Anin


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